all postcodes in NE6 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE6 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE6 4AA 0 54.980246 -1.561934
NE6 4AB 0 54.979049 -1.561353
NE6 4AD 0 54.97787 -1.560804
NE6 4AE 0 54.976457 -1.560147
NE6 4AF 0 54.979798 -1.559642
NE6 4AH 13 0 54.975196 -1.559552
NE6 4AJ 10 0 54.975833 -1.559217
NE6 4AL 9 0 54.980487 -1.561384
NE6 4AN 14 3 54.98083 -1.561724
NE6 4AP 17 0 54.98152 -1.558873
NE6 4AQ 8 0 54.981075 -1.559925
NE6 4AR 18 3 54.981453 -1.55764
NE6 4AS 9 0 54.981133 -1.558659
NE6 4AT 29 0 54.980621 -1.558789
NE6 4AU 26 0 54.980342 -1.560949
NE6 4AX 42 0 54.979218 -1.560742
NE6 4AY 27 0 54.977975 -1.560178
NE6 4BA 22 0 54.977345 -1.559903
NE6 4BB 19 0 54.977381 -1.557356
NE6 4BD 25 0 54.978149 -1.558395